Completely transform your ability to generate money and change your identity when it comes to abundance forever… 
All when you learn what it takes to become an...

A brand new 5 week wealth manifestation program with Shelly Bullard.

Investment: $999

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Step into and claim your most Abundant Self yet… the version of you who has the ability to generate six and seven figures like it’s completely normal and natural, because you are an

Are you ready to learn the most profound wealth-manifesting principles to completely transform your ability to generate money and change your identity when it comes to abundance forever?

Are you ready to live in the reality where generating very large amounts of money (we're talking six to seven figures and beyond) becomes the norm for you

Are you ready to have the experience in your life where money is no object… you can book the trips you want, buy the things you want, go where you want to go and not have to look at price tags? 

Are you ready to stop playing small when it comes to money and finally, authentically step into the version of you who manifests very large dollar amounts like it’s just another day?

Are you ready to quantum leap your money game into a whole new stratosphere and finally become an Embodied Millionaire? 

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Good. There is nothing I want more than to share this knowledge with as many people as I can.

I believe the more conscious, connected and aware human beings learn how to be truly wealthy, and we can circulate more wealth into more of the hands and hearts of more of the right people, the world will change.

But, here’s the truth… 

You probably aren’t tapping into your true Wealth Potential (yet). 

What I mean is… 

> If you’re still struggling with money… 

> If you still worry about money or don’t feel like you can depend on it… 

> If you still feel like you have to “be careful” with money… 

> If you receive money and seem to spend it immediately, or unexpected bills come up and it’s gone again…

> If you struggle to really BUILD wealth and feel HELD by wealth…

> If you are always somehow worried about losing it all…

> If you know you’re carrying an unhelpful relationship to it from your childhood…
> Or if you feel like you have yet to find complete freedom when it comes to financial wealth… 

There is a Greater & More Expansive Wealth Self Concept for you to step into to take your experience with money to the next level. 

I like to think of that New You as the 

So, what is an

…It’s the version of you who identifies like this: 

  • Money literally feels like “no object” to you… 
  • So much money flows into your reality that you feel completely secure and taken care of by money
  • You have the inner experience that you can do basically anything you like because you have plenty of money to support it all 
  • ​You feel completely “held” by money… meaning there is such an abundance of money in your reality that you feel totally safe and taken care of 
  • ​You can go where you want to go (first class, at that), you can eat what you want to eat, you can buy what you want to buy… you don’t feel limitations when it comes to money
  • ​You feel overflowing… you can be generous, share, offer and spend money as you please because so much money flows into your experience
  • ​You never worry that one day it’s going to run out… because you know that you have the know-how, tools and deep inner ability to manifest as much as you want, whenever you want
  • ​Your relationship with money is a healthy, conscious and intentional one. You become wealthy, not simply from generating as much money as you want, but by also being in the energy of an Embodied Millionaire in every area of your life

These are the experiences you will have as an Embodied Millionaire, and this is what I want to teach you to become.

Course Starts in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

There was a time, not so long ago, when I had no idea how to generate or keep money flowing into my life. 

Fast-forward a couple years later, I’m on the cusp of becoming a self-made multimillionaire.

And that’s not through hustle, force, or working myself into the ground. 

I live a beautiful, abundant life where my creativity flows freely, I work with soulmate humans all over the world in my work and I have impacted literally thousands of lives through my programs.

I’m not only a self-made multimillionaire…

But, I do so with love and grace and flow and freedom.

How did I create this type of reality for myself? And how did I do it so quickly? 

I became an Embodied Millionaire… and as a result, the millions, the freedom, the joy, the love… it all came to me naturally. 

Because our Inner Worlds ALWAYS become the outer reality.

Course Start in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

To those who don’t understand manifesting, this may seem unreal, hard to understand or even impossible. 

But for those of us who understand the principles of manifesting… that you manifest what you ARE… you can see how simple the formula is to manifest abundance, wealth (and, really, anything) into your life.

There is an “Embodiment” - or a rooted, inner state of being (Self Concept) - that feels like this: 

  • “Money flows to me. I have so much. It continues to pour in. I am fully taken care of and will always be.” 
  • “I am safe, I am supported, I am held, and I will always be more than ok. I will always have more than enough”
  • ​“I am free. I can take care of the people I love. I can do good things in the world. I can live the life I truly desire and I have everything I need to do so.”

This is a deeply-embedded Inner Experience of Wealth that, when embodied, WILL change your ability to generate money in amounts you won’t believe.

But this is just the beginning…

Because what comes with the deep, unshakeable, profound knowing that you ARE wealthy. That you ARE everything you desire. That you ARE fully taken care of. Held. Supported. Safe…

Is the deep, unshakeable, profound knowing that you can manifest everything and anything you want.

This deep Inner Experience of Wealth is very closely connected to the deep Inner Experience of Love that brings you closer to the kind of love and relationships and connections that your heart desires.

This Inner Experience of Wealth IS the reminder that we are all Infinite Creators. 

You change at the level of your deepest knowing of yourself, and truly anything is possible.

Are you feeling that full body yes?

Just take a look at the deep, transformative 5 week journey we will embark on together for you to become an 

The first step in changing your reality with money and stepping into your Millionaire self is first discovering where do you stand with money now? When you get honest about your true current beliefs about money now (even the ones you may not be conscious of), you know what you’re working with and you can implement the precise steps to start this major transformation. No matter your experience with manifestation, we all have work to do here - this is a lifelong, continuous and conscious up-leveling into the person who has everything you ever want or need
One of the most mind-boggling truths about creating money that we can ever learn is that we don’t have to DO anything for money… we just have to BE the person who is wealthy… and from that inner experience, money will come to you. So what does it really mean to BE a millionaire internally? How do you take on this Self Concept to step into a whole new reality? How do you create a deep, profound connection with money and the truth that it is completely available to you? That’s what this Module is all about.
We interact with money every single day, which is often why we stay in the same mindset and reality about money. You’re thinking about money a lot - whether it’s how much money you currently have, how much money you make, what bills you have, etc. In order to create a new reality with money, we must learn to interact with money in a new way in our current reality WHILE embodying the Wish Fulfilled of being a Millionaire. This is the structured, intelligent, wealthy-person’s way to manage, interact with and hold your money currently so that it continues to multiply.
There are states of being that, when embodied, will propel you into a whole new inner and outer reality with money. The truth is, the frequency of Infinite Abundance is available to you, right now. Your Spiritual Nature IS infinitely abundant… YOU are infinitely abundant. In this Module, you will not only learn how true that really is, but you will also learn how to embody your True Nature as Abundance itself, to manifest infinite amounts of wealth, and all other forms of abundance, into your life from now on. This is where we take what our mind may already know to be true and it becomes an unshakeable embodiment.
The most amazing thing about manifesting money is you won’t have to take any action for it to happen (this seems unbelievable but in my experience, it is true!). What will occur instead is that the “action” for money to arrive to you will “happen through you.” If you can really understand that the only thing necessary is for you to BE a millionaire internally… all other necessary steps will take care of themselves. In this Module we will wrap up the course with every little detail you need to know to be successful on your journey of becoming an Embodied Millionaire, inside and out.
I have many clients who have learned to manifest money using my techniques and have successfully manifested $10,000, $30,000 and beyond the $100,000 mark. Once you step into this kind of work, your life will never be the same.
Read their testimonials below: 

Here’s exactly what you’ll open up to receive when you join 

Course Starts in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
  • 5 Recorded Modules teaching you step by step, everything you would ever need to know to fully understand how to become (and continue becoming) an Embodied Millionaire
  • 5 full length, in-depth Workbooks guiding you to become your Millionaire Self
  • Private Facebook Group for you to connect with people manifesting millions just like you and share your wins, breakthroughs, and lessons (the energy in the group alone will be life-changing)
  • ​Everything you need to become your Millionaire Self and change your reality with money starting right now and for the rest of your life. If you’re ready for your entire story and experience with money to change, join us today. This is going to be something special.
When you make the decision to join us, you’re not simply investing in another course. This is an investment into the rest of your life. The knowledge and tools you will receive throughout these 5 weeks is enough to change your reality immediately and continue to change your life, for the rest of your life. 

Why wait to feel totally free and abundant with money? Why let another year pass by where you feel stuck, worried or like you aren’t creating enough? 

You have the ability to fully change your Money Self Concept STARTING NOW… and as soon as you do, you will start to see the new results “out there” happening to you. 

Let me show you how to easily create and generate more money than perhaps you ever thought possible…

Let me show you how easy manifesting money can be. 

Join me on this amazing adventure of becoming an Embodied Millionaire. And finally learn what it feels like to truly be financially FREE. 

I can’t WAIT to be the one to take you there.
See you inside.
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